CMS Approves New Hampshire Becoming 20th State to Offer Mobile Crisis Intervention Services to Medicaid Recipients

The Biden-Harris Administration’s American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provided that, through Medicaid block grants, the government offers states a new option for supporting community-based mobile crisis intervention services for beneficiaries. Mobile crisis intervention services are essential to providing rapid responses to individuals where they are located when they are experiencing a mental health or SUD crisis. These mobile services are made available 24/7/365 and are staffed with appropriately qualified behavioral health providers trained to manage such interventions. As with the 19 other states and the District of Columbia before it, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS’s) approval of the New Hampshire State Plan Amendment means that the state will also receive Medicaid funding to directly connect beneficiaries to specialized mental health services and provide follow-up check-ins for individuals experiencing a mental health or SUD crisis.