CMS’s Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) for 2025 Includes an Array of Changes That Benefit the Underserved

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its final MPFS rule for CY2025 (to appear in Federal Register on Dec. 9). The new fee schedule is indicative of a broader federal government strategy to create a more equitable health care system that results in better accessibility, quality, and affordability for all Medicare beneficiaries, including those individuals most marginalized historically. For instance, with regard to opioid treatment programs (OTPs), while state law still applies, CMS is allowing telecommunication flexibilities that will promote access to care for populations that often face barriers to entering and participating in treatment and allow OTPs and their patients to mutually agree on the best modality for receiving care. The 2025 MPFS also finalizes a continued policy to delay the in-person visit requirement for mental health services furnished via communication technology by rural health clinics (RHCs) and federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) to beneficiaries in their homes until 2026, which is a critical win for patients in rural and other underserved communities who vitally need access to such services.