Health Equity blog

Health equity is a pillar on which HLB was founded, and we have long been committed to the fight for equal access to health care.

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New report examining maternal health care in Louisiana after near total ban on abortion

A new report examining maternal health care in Louisiana following that state’s near total ban on abortions found that pregnant women are commonly being denied timely procedures–often in the face of life-threatening medical situations–primarily because physicians are acting cautiously to avoid even the appearance of performing an abortion.


Office of Civil Rights (OCR) released its highly anticipated Final Rule

Last month, as required by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) released its highly anticipated Final Rule modifying standards applicable to the confidentiality and release of substance use disorder (SUD) patient records (a/k/a “Part 2”) to more closely align with HIPAA’s privacy and related regulations. You can read our alert on the Final Rule here: Part 2 Update: HHS Final Rule Aligning Federal Protections for Substance Use Disorder Records with HIPAA.


US Supreme Court recently heard arguments related to the use of mifepristone

On March 26, the US Supreme Court heard arguments related to a challenge to the use of mifepristone, a drug originally approved by the FDA in 2000, with changes to the FDA’s approval allowing for expansions to access in 2016 and 2021 by permitting prescriptions to be made via telehealth and for the medication to be sent to patients by mail. While the outcome is far from certain, a majority of the Justices appeared to side with the government, as opposed to those challenging the FDA’s approvals, with much of the argument focused on the question of standing. Regardless of the outcome of this case, mifepristone remains illegal in many states that have enacted near-total abortion bans.


Department of Health and Human Services details steps to strengthen the delivery of primary care in the US

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released an Issue Brief, detailing the steps it is taking to strengthen the delivery of primary care in the US, including reducing disparities in maternal mortality and morbidity across the nation. As part of this objective, HHS intends to develop additional, data-informed interventions to ensure that it is able to refine its dedication of resources appropriately. However, HHS acknowledges that it cannot achieve all these goals on its own and appeals to other stakeholders, including payors and state/local governments, to actively participate in the efforts to reform primary care delivery.