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HLB Attorneys Paul Smith and Andrea Frey Receive Burton Award


Hooper, Lundy & Bookman is pleased to announce that attorneys Paul Smith and Andrea Frey are recipients of a 2018 Burton Award for distinguished legal writing. The pair received a 2018 Law 360 Distinguished Legal Writing Award  for an article they co-wrote on the revised Common Rule, for the Health Lawyer, the flagship journal of the American Bar Association’s Health Law Section.

The Burton Awards is a non profit organization operated in association with the Library of Congress. Its lead sponsor is Law 360 and it is co-sponsorded by the American Bar Association.

The principal focus of the program is awarding effective legal writing. The program honors partners in law firms and law school students who use plain, clear and concise language in their writing, as well as lawyers in the military and the Executive Branch of Government, Journalists, and Law School Professors.


Andrea Frey
San Francisco
San Diego
Paul T. Smith
Of Counsel
San Francisco