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Webinar: COVID-19 Financial Relief for Providers—Supplemental Payments, Loans, and Beyond


The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to have a profound financial impact on health care providers, who are on the front lines of pandemic response and seeing revenue decline as non-essential procedures have been postponed or canceled. There are several financial resources available to health care providers during this COVID-19 emergency, and our COVID-19 Task Force has assembled a team of attorneys to comprehensively address the providers’ financial distress by applying traditional approaches to relief from financial obligations, availing organizations of new revenue sources and loans, and pursuing insurance coverage for business interruption. We believe this crisis requires a global response that makes use of all available tools.

HLB’s COVID-19 Task Force will host a webinar exploring key sources of financial relief available to providers, including:

  • Supplemental payments (e.g., $100 billion appropriation, Medicare add-on payments)
  • Loan and accelerated payments (e.g., Accelerated/Advanced Medicare Payments, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL))
  • FEMA Public Assistance Program
  • Renegotiating rent and other payment obligations; bankruptcy
  • Business interruption insurance claims
  • Coverage expansion and relief for care to uninsured
  • Reducing or delaying liability for overpayments with governmental and private payers

We will also provide additional resources on financial relief for providers, which will be announced through a Health Law Advisory and on our website. An audio recording of the webinar and printed materials will be made available to registrants after the program.

If you have any particular topics that you would like us to cover during the webinar, please send those to

Click here to listen to the recording.

Click here for the podcast link.

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Nina Adatia Marsden
Los Angeles
Katrina A. Pagonis
San Francisco
Washington, D.C.
Gary F. Torrell
Los Angeles