Lisa K. Layman

Washington, D.C. : 202.580.7715

“In policy efforts with legislators, regulators, or their staffs, you need to not only understand what matters to your client, but you also need to understand what matters to the people you’re speaking with. It’s by addressing their concerns and explaining how your client’s goals and their goals align that you get the process moving in the right direction.”

Decades of health care policy experience on Capitol Hill, working for legislators and health care constituencies alike, has given Lisa Layman a 360-degree perspective on how health policy is made and the strategies best suited to advance legislative and regulatory objectives. Lisa’s comprehensive knowledge of health care issues, passion for policy, and candor have made her a trusted and credible resource for lawmakers, staff, and regulators of both parties and an effective advocate for her clients’ interests. 

Representing providers, manufacturers, associations, and other health care industry constituencies on an expansive range of health care issues before Congress and the Executive Branch, Lisa complements her substantive understanding of health policy with the practical insights that can only come from being in the legislative trenches. She knows the right people to speak with and when to do so, what they need to hear and what they don’t, and how to present mutually beneficial options and solutions to advance her clients’ policy goals. Besides her work on the Hill, Lisa also provides strategic advice and counsel to clients on broad public policy and program goals as well as specific client business needs.

Prior to going into private government relations practice, Lisa served as a U.S. Senate Legislative Staff member for 11 years. She was a senior policy advisor to U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow and earlier in her Senate career advised Senators Bob Graham, Richard Bryan, and John Chafee on health care matters. During that time, she drafted, analyzed, and negotiated legislation related to Medicare, Medicaid and private health insurance, prescription drugs, health information technology, and public health matters. Before her time in the Senate, Lisa also worked on health care issues for the Congressional Budget Office, preparing baseline and legislative cost estimates.

Following her tenure with the U.S. Senate, Lisa served as vice president for Government Affairs at the Generic Pharmaceutical Association (now known as the Association for Accessible Medicines). In that role, she worked closely with generic pharmaceutical executives to develop and execute public policy and lobbying strategies

Before joining Hooper, Lundy & Bookman, Lisa spent several years as a principal at another firm in their Government Law & Strategies practice representing the interests of health care clients before Congress and regulatory agencies.