Government Relations and Public Policy


Hooper, Lundy & Bookman’s well-established and bipartisan presence in Washington, anchored by respected health care policy experts, provides our clients with a strong, clear voice to positively impact federal health care policy for health care entities and the patients they serve.

Health Care Policy Advocacy and Strategic Guidance

Our Government Relations and Public Policy practice has a history of successfully working to achieve health care policy objectives through statutory and regulatory change. Using a team approach helps us develop and execute the best strategies across a full range of government relations services, including direct lobbying, legislative development, regulatory affairs, grassroots advocacy, economic analysis, and strategic problem-solving. We work with clients just getting started, through identifying policy options, balancing priorities, and identifying opportunities, to integrating with already established clients’ larger advocacy initiatives to provide a fresh and comprehensive approach.  

Being well versed in many key policy areas across the health care sector, our team can quickly and effectively take on an issue, understand what is important, and navigate both Congressional and Executive branch corridors. There is no assignment too big or small, and we pride ourselves on being approachable and effective at both representing a client independently, as well as directly supporting in-house government relations teams and/or executive management teams. 

Immersive Washington Experience That Extends Across the Aisle

Our team’s diverse and complementary backgrounds extend across the entire policymaking and health care ecosystems, giving us a credible presence in front of policymakers. With decades of combined experience, our policy professionals have held high-ranking positions throughout the federal government, including Congress, the White House, Congressional Budget Office (CBO), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). They also held top positions in national health care trade and member associations. 

A successful government relations practice is based on both policy knowledge and strong relationships with policymakers. Our combination of experience, skill, and bipartisan relationships allows us to consistently deliver the best advice and outcomes through our ever-changing political environment. 

A Forward-Looking Perspective 

The health care landscape is constantly evolving. We help our clients anticipate, influence, and adapt to federal health policy changes. We believe there are many necessary tools to enact change, from technical analysis of policy proposals to new policy development, and from facilitating direct engagement with lawmakers to briefing federal agency staff. Rather than wait for a problem to develop, we assist our clients in proactively engaging with policymakers and other stakeholders to educate them about their unique services, business models, policy goals, and concerns. 

Longstanding Client Relationships

Our current and past work encompasses practically every part of the health care system. We represent both health care businesses and associations. Specifically, we have significant expertise in the areas of dental and health insurance (including Medicare Advantage), hospitals, health technology, oncology, behavioral health, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and kidney care. Some of our clients have been with us for over a decade, and we take pride in having long-standing relationships with clients with which we work closely. 

Not only do we facilitate positive change for our clients, but we are advocates for the health care sector broadly and strive to contribute to a policy environment that improves health care quality, equity, and efficiency.  

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Key Contacts

Martin A. Corry
Co-Chair of Government Relations & Public Policy Department
Washington, D.C.
Kelly Lavin Delmore
Co-Chair of Government Relations & Public Policy Department
Washington, D.C.


Lloyd A. Bookman
Founding Partner
Alex M. Brill
Economic Policy Advisor
Martin A. Corry
Co-Chair of Government Relations & Public Policy Department
Kelly Lavin Delmore
Co-Chair of Government Relations & Public Policy Department
Claire Ernst
Director, Government Relations & Public Policy
Monica Herr Massaro
Director, Government Relations & Public Policy
Mark E. Reagan
Managing Shareholder