HLB Webinar: A Brave New World – California’s New Pre-Transaction Notice and Cost and Market Impact Review

• Thursday, December 21, 2023
• 12:00 pm PST
• 60 minutes, with 15 minutes Q&A
• 1 CA CLE General Credit Available
Beginning January 1, 2024, many health care providers will need to submit a detailed written notice to the new Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) at least 90 days in advance of the closing of a material transaction. Should OHCA determine the transaction is likely to have a significant impact on market competition, costs for purchasers and consumers, or on California’s ability to meet cost targets, it will be subject to further examination by OHCA before it can close. Join us for this webinar where we will discuss the who, what, where, when and how of these new requirements.
This webinar will be presented by HLB’s Lloyd Bookman, Karl Schmitz and Kerry Sakimoto.
Listen to the webinar here.